Who You Are

You might be one of the following seeking experienced communications law counsel:

  • The General Counsel of a company holding FCC licenses seeking big firm expertise without big firm overhead for your regulatory and communications transaction needs.
  • A Station Owner seeking to proactively safeguard the Station's critical FCC licenses.
  • A Station General Manager who has received an FCC letter of inquiry or FCC EEO audit letter.
  • A noncommercial / educational institution holding, seeking or renewing an FCC license.
  • A Venture Capitalist or Banker needing FCC advice and regulatory due diligence on an investment or loan opportunity.
  • A Broadcasters' Association looking for regulatory and policy advice and a voice in DC.
  • Corporate Counsel handling a media-related transaction needing issue spotting and contract drafting expertise on regulatory matters.
  • A Trustee with oversight of media properties.
  • A Media Broker seeking experienced transaction / regulatory counsel.
  • A Consulting Engineer advising on maximizing signal and minimizing regulatory delays.

Repp Law Firm meets your need for experienced communications law counsel with big firm expertise and boutique firm advantages.